Meet Our Team
Pastor Kim Nofel
Pastor Kim is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church U.S.A going on 32 years. She has served churches in Virginia, Nebraska, Colorado, Iowa and Maryland, as well as congregations in California and Texas while in the Air Force. She enjoys preaching about God’s steadfast love for us and about how God continues to pursue a relationship with the people he loves: which is all of us. Her husband, Steve, is also a Presbyterian minister, currently serving the Presbytery of Baltimore as staff interim pastor for the presbytery. They love spending time with their two grown sons and their future daughter-in-law. They enjoy traveling, reading, attending archery tournaments, and watching Grand Sumo.

Pat Hoover, Director of Music and Organist
Susie Reisdorf, Choir Director
Pat Hoover has been faithfully leading God’s people in worship with the gift of music for almost fifty years. In her selection of preludes, anthems, offertory music, and postludes for each worship service, Pat reviews the scripture texts for the day and considers the potential focus of the sermon. Her discernment is remarkable! As the pastor often observes, when the choir sings the anthem before the sermon, it is as if Pat has already heard the sermon and has chosen an anthem that best complements the message for the day. On many Sundays, the choir almost sings the sermon before it is even preached! With musical sensitivity and theological depth, Pat Hoover and the choir, under the leadership of Choir Director Susie Reisdorf, truly help to lead God’s people with wonderful music in worship.
Assisting the Congregation in Its Ministry:
Clerk of the Session: Elder Michael Kahn
Assistant to the Pastor for Congregational Visitation: Deacon Carol Jean Farmer
Moderator, Board of Deacons: Deacon Sarah Mathena
Deacon Treasurer: Deacon Joy M. Parson
Flower Orders: Deacon Joyce Peugh
Director, Church School & Christian Education: Deacon Joy M. Parson
Church Treasurer: Kelly Regan
Church Financial Secretary: Elder Jay F. Parson
Cemetery Superintendent: Elder Jay F. Parson
Outreach Committee: Elder Nadine Merkle
Public Health & Safety Advocate: Bob Reisdorf
Church Office Manager: Elder Sue Meekins
Administrative Assistant: Vacant